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Become a Collaborator

Keep Calm Sensory Zone is looking forward to bringing new and exciting fidgets to our families. We strive to find the highest quality, kid tested and approved engaging fidgets and sensory tools to our families. There are so many amazing products out there that our families would love that we can't find them all. Thats where you come in! What better way to share your fidget or sensory tool with others then to become a collaborator with Keep Calm Tool Kit.


By becoming a collaborator, you have the opportunity to share your product with thousands of people through in store retail sales, vendor events, fidget kits, distributer sales channels and many more! There is no up-front cost to you. We do all the marketing and sales through our channels. Fill out the Collaborator sign up form and share your product with us. 

Fidgets and sensory tools must fall into one or more of these categories to be able to be sold through Keep Calm Tool Kit channels. 

1. Spin and Flip

2. Calming and Soothing

3. Creative and Constructive (no assembly instructions needed) 

4. Smash and Pull

5. Light Up

6. Active Play

7. Aromatherapy


You might be wondering how you get paid for your product?

1. Sell your product through us on consignment and we will send you a check for your portion after the 20% consignment fee at the beginning of the following month of sales (no monthly cost to consign) 

2. Sell your product(s) to us at reduced/wholesale prices and get paid upfront then ship your product to us. 


What do you need to provide Keep Calm Tool Kit as a Collaborator? 

If you would like to get more information or have questions, simply email us at  



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